Infoblox NIOS Commands
NIOS Command Overview
Command | Summary |
? | Display help |
ddns_add | Send DDNS update to add a record |
ddns_delete | Send DDNS update to delete a record |
Delete | Delete files |
Dig | Perform a DNS lookup and print the results |
dns_a_record_delete | Delete a DNS A record |
Exit | Exit command interpreter |
Help | Display help |
Ping | Send ICMP ECHO |
Quit | Exit command interpreter |
Reboot | Reboot device |
Reset | Resets system settings |
Rotate | Rotate files |
Set | Set current system settings |
Show | Show current system settings |
Shutdown | Shutdown device |
Traceroute | Route path diagnostic |
NIOS SHOW Commands
show [ admin_group_acl | arp | bfd | bgp | bind_tombstones_count | bloxtools | capacity | cc_mode | certificate_auth_admins | certificate_auth_services | check_auth_ns | clusterd_info | config | connection_limit | connections | cpu | date | debug | delete_tasks_interval | dhcp_gss_tsig | dhcpd_recv_sock_buf_size | dhcpv6_gss_tsig | disk | dns | dns_gss_tsig | dns_rrl | enable_match_recursive_only | file | forced_autosync | hardware_status | hwid | ibtrap | interface | ip_rate_limit | ipv6_bgp | ipv6_disable_on_dad | ipv6_neighbor | ipv6_ospf | lcd | lcd_info | lcd_settings | license | license_pool_container | license_uid | log | log_txn_id | logfiles | lom | max_recursion_depth | max_recursion_queries | memory | mld_version | monitor | ms_sticky_ip | named_recv_sock_buf_size | network | ntp | ospf | overload_bootp | phonehome | query_capture | remote_console | routes | scheduled | security | session_timeout | snmp | ssl_tls_ciphers | ssl_tls_protocols | ssl_tls_settings | static_routes | status | support_access | tech-support | temperature | thresholdtrap | token | traffic_capture_status | txn_trace | upgrade_history | uptime | version | vpn_cert_dates | wins_forwarding ]
show admin_group_acl | Display Admin Groups using ACL settings |
show arp | Display system ARP cache |
show bfd | Display BFD related information |
show bgp | Display BGP related information |
show bind_tombstones_count | Display count of bind tombstone objects in the database |
show bloxtools | Display bloxTools status |
show capacity | Display DB usage for this member |
show cc_mode | Display Common Criteria settings |
show certificate_auth_admins | Display Admins restricted to use Certificate Authentication only |
show certificate_auth_services | Display the Certificate Authentication Services used as Effective Auth Policies |
show check_auth_ns | Display check authoritative NS RRset setting |
show clusterd_info | Display clusterd runtime information |
show config | Display dns, dhcp configuration file |
show connection_limit | Display the per client IP address protocol maximum connection limit |
show connections | Display all TCP/UDP connections |
show cpu | Display the processor and memory statistics |
show date | Display the date, time and time zone of the appliance |
show debug | Display the status of debugging |
show delete_tasks_interval | Display number of days to delete completed scheduled tasks from the system |
show dhcp_gss_tsig | Display diagnostics for DHCP GSS-TSIG |
show dhcpd_recv_sock_buf_size | Display UDP socket receive buffer size used by dhcpd for this member |
show dhcpv6_gss_tsig | Display diagnostics for DHCPv6 GSS-TSIG |
show disk | Display the disk space used |
show dns | Show DNS query statistics and recursive cache |
show dns_gss_tsig | Display diagnostics for DNS GSS-TSIG |
show dns_rrl | Display DNS Response Rate Limiting setings |
show enable_match_recursive_only | Display match-recursive-only values (which can overrride view level settings) |
show file | Display the content(s) of a file(s) |
show forced_autosync | Display whether forced autosync is turned on or off |
show hardware_status | Display the hardware status |
show hwid | Display the hardware ID |
show ibtrap | Display Infoblox Trap information |
show interface | Display network interface details |
show ip_rate_limit | Display ip rate limit rules |
show ipv6_bgp | Display IPv6 BGP related information |
show ipv6_disable_on_dad | Display whether IPv6 is disabled if duplicate IPv6 address is detected on that interface |
show ipv6_neighbor | Display IPv6 neighbor details |
show ipv6_ospf | Display IPv6 OSPF related information |
show lcd | Display whether the LCD keys are turned on or off |
show lcd_info | Display info shown on the LCD |
show lcd_settings | Display LCD settings |
show license | Display product and maintenance licenses |
show license_pool_container | Display The Unique ID of the License Pool Container |
show license_uid | Display the grid-wide license unique ID |
show log | Display the specified system log |
show log_txn_id | Display whether the DHCP packets transaction id logging turned on or off |
show logfiles | Display the size of the system log files |
show lom | Display LOM network/user settings |
show max_recursion_depth | Display max_recursion_depth value. |
show max_recursion_queries | Display max_recursion_queries value. |
show memory | Display the memory statistics |
show mld_version | Display IPv6 Multicast Listener Discovery Version |
show monitor | Display current network monitor settings |
show ms_sticky_ip | Display whether the ms_sticky_ip is turned on or off |
show named_recv_sock_buf_size | Display UDP socket receive buffer size used by named for this member |
show network | Display current network settings |
show ntp | Display NTP associations and statistics |
show ospf | Display OSPF related information |
show overload_bootp | Display whether the Overload BOOTP functionality is turned on or off |
show phonehome | Display Phone Home settings |
show query_capture | Display captured DNS queries |
show remote_console | Display remote console access settings |
show routes | Display src rules and routes |
show scheduled | Display number of automatic restarts per hour for scheduled tasks |
show security | Display current security settings |
show session_timeout | Display gui/cli session timeout |
show snmp | Display SNMP information such as contents of variables |
show ssl_tls_ciphers | Display the SSL/TLS cipher suite settings |
show ssl_tls_protocols | Display the SSL/TLS protocol settings |
show ssl_tls_settings | Display the SSL/TLS settings |
show static_routes | Display static routes details |
show status | Display Grid and HA status |
show support_access | Display support access settings |
show tech-support | Display output for all show commands |
show temperature | Display the temperature |
show thresholdtrap | Display Infoblox Threshold Trap information |
show token | Display token settings |
show traffic_capture_status | Display traffic capture status |
show txn_trace | Show db transaction log |
show upgrade_history | Display upgrade history |
show uptime | Display the uptime of the appliance |
show version | Display the product version |
show vpn_cert_dates | Display VPN certificate dates |
show wins_forwarding | Display the WINS forwarding settings |